Who is this for?

  • Nutritional Therapy is NOT for you if...

    • You want a "magic pill" and are not interested in putting in the work

    • A Bandaid approach sounds better than finding the root cause of your issues

    • You are not willing to make nutrition and lifestyle changes

    • You just want to lose weight but don’t care about health

  • Nutritional Therapy is perfect if...

    • You are ready to commit and invest in yourself and your future

    • You are tired of addressing the symptoms but not the cause of your health issues

    • You are ready to make changes to both nutrition and lifestyle

    • You want to optimize your health and make sustainable change

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new” -Socrates


  • Nutritional Therapy is compassion based and judgment free. I genuinely want you to feel better and put everything I have into finding solutions for you. Also worth noting, the protocol we create together is completely tailored to you based on a thorough nutritional & lifestyle assessment and lab testing. We’re not going for a generic one size fits all approach because health is very bio-individual. What works for one person may not work for another person based on many different factors.

  • My best answer...it depends. I know, I know. You wanted a concrete answer but I really can't give it to you. The nature of Nutritional Therapy is that the work is very bio-individual. We're all different! I can say that those who commit fully to making the changes, learning, and growing are more likely to see quicker results. Our main goal is to make changes and results that last for the long haul. That being said, I would rather the process take a bit longer but be permanent rather than be quicker and be fleeting.

  • One of my favorite parts about this work is creating and/or sharing delicious, nutrient dense foods and recipes. I love eating too! Now, will you possibly need to eliminate some foods? Yes, depending on what you're experiencing and the goals we set for you. Sometimes the elimination will be temporary and sometimes it will be for the long haul. However, we will also be adding things INTO your diet so hopefully you'll discover new foods that you love! Your tastes may even change as we travel this journey. I understand the fear of giving up foods but I also do my best to make the transition smoother.

  • Sorry, we’ve gotta use the legal jargon here:

    NTPs are not licensed or certified by any state. The Nutritional Therapy Association, Inc.® provides a certificate of completion to students who have successfully met all course requirements, including a written and practical exam.

    Nutritional Therapy is not designed to treat any specific disease or medical condition. A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is trained to evaluate your nutritional needs and make recommendations of dietary change and nutritional supplements, not medical diagnoses or prescriptions. No comment or recommendation from your NTP should be construed as a medical diagnosis or prescription.

    If you suffer from a medical or pathological condition, you need to consult with an appropriate healthcare provider. An NTP is not a substitute for your family physician or other appropriate healthcare provider. A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is not trained nor licensed to diagnose or treat pathological conditions, illnesses, injuries, or diseases or prescribe medications. If you are under the care of another healthcare provider, it is important that you contact your other healthcare providers and alert them to your use of nutritional supplements. Therapy may be a beneficial adjunct to more traditional care, and it may also alter your need for medication, so it is important you always keep your physician informed of changes in your nutritional program. If you are using medications of any kind, you are required to alert the NTP to such use, as well as to discuss any potential interactions between medications and nutritional products with your pharmacist. If you have any physical or emotional reaction to Nutritional Therapy, discontinue their use immediately, and contact your NTP to ascertain if the reaction is adverse or an indication of the natural course of the body's adjustment to the therapy.

  • Absolutely not!

    You can think of a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner as your health advocate or as a supporting role in your health journey but we are NOT a replacement for doctors. Please continue to work with your doctor throughout our time together and keep him/her informed of what changes you are making and what supplements you may be using. Quick example: If we are working together to balance blood sugar via your diet and you are currently taking medication for diabetes, your doctor may need to lower the dose in time. These prescription changes MUST be made under the supervision of your doctor.

    However, should you find that your current doctor is not addressing your needs or does not have the bedside manner you deserve, please remember that you can “shop” for a different doctor. Having a good relationship with your medical provider can be such a positive game changer in the outlook of your health!

  • Any and all of my recommendations are at your discretion to follow or not follow. It is highly likely that I will make suggestions for supplements, but I cannot and will not force you to purchase them. Generally I’m just not aggressive like that! However, supplements do have their place and can be quite helpful to address imbalances and missing components in our diet.

    Please keep in mind that I do my best to keep costs down for clients. While actively working with me, I offer a 35% discount on high grade supplements and health products through Fullscript. Once your program is complete, you’ll have access to a 20% discount.

  • I will never force you to throw away food especially given the cost of things these days. Might it be wise not to make the same purchases going forward? Yes. To help in the process, I do have a pantry clean out guide available. Whether or not you decide to toss it all and start fresh or make swaps gradually is entirely up to you and what your budget allows.

  • The answer is both yes and no.

    When is the answer yes?

    Let’s say you sign up, something comes up before we begin any work, and you have to pull the plug. I understand that life happens and you will receive a full refund in this case. Second scenario, you’ve started the program but decide not to move forward. In this case you may be eligible for a partial refund* depending upon how much work has been completed on my part.

    When is the answer no?

    Because I invest a significant amount of time on researching the information I share with clients, in reviewing intake forms, evaluating labs, and designing protocols, I cannot offer a refund once a program has been completed. But remember, I want you to feel better upon completion of our time together. With that in mind I am willing to work with you on a solution should you be unhappy with your progress.

    *Lab fees are nonrefundable and always the responsibility of the client.

    Tough Love

    Remember, if you don't change then nothing will change. When deciding that a protocol has not worked, please be honest with yourself about whether or not you were compliant.

  • I am not able to take insurance. However, I like to remind clients that a root cause approach to health often leads to significant savings down the line.